Getting your brand message across

Large format printing provides the perfect complement to our range of services and is able to print up to 30m in length and 1.371mm in width making this the perfect format for pull-up banners, pop-up stands and free-standing banners both indoor and outdoor. This versatile format is used in a number of places for varies occassions and is commonly used by investment companies for training and product launches but also senior schools, colleges and universities when they are displaying their results on open evening. We produce banners that are typically 7-8m in length for a product launch in an exhibition venue or where the examination results are displayed outside of the school and then a number of pop-up displays are produced to support the team.

We produce pop-up and pull-up banners for clients that are hosting corporate events, the banners are cost-effective and are an excellent vehicle for articulating your message. Our clients also utilise the banners in their reception areas that adds both impact and provides information for the visitors.

One of our clients, a successful stately home and a huge UK visitor attraction required a variation of outdoor banners for directions, parking and indoor pop-up stands for membership and merchandising opportunities. The organisation found that this is a flexible method of varying your marketing and merchandising messages without breaking the bank. For our financial clients we produce interactive magnetic boards that are formated at a size of 1m square that are used as an inhouse training rescource and external for the independent financial advisors. 

For the perfect finish we are able to print on a multitude of different media, self-adhesive vinyl and papers and for a robust finish we can also provide matt or gloss lamination and mount on various types of boards or cutting eyelets for free-hanging banners. Our printer also utilizes a print and cut facility allowing us to specify a complex cut line around the printed image or stickers, so that they can be removed from the sheet.

Please visit our Case Studies page for further information on these project types.